Festival WishesMuharram Wishes

Happy Muharram 2023: Wishes, Quotes, SMS, Messages, Status, Greetings

Happy Muharram 2023: Wishes, Quotes, SMS, Messages, Status, Greetings

Happy Muharram 2023: Muharram is celebrated all around the world at the advent of the Islamic New Year, it is the second holiest month for Muslims after Ramadan. Muharram is significantly considered a pious and important festival in the Islamic community, and the adjective generally means “unauthorized/ unpermitted/ illicit/ illegal” that forbids warfare in the holy month of Muharram.

Happy Muharram 2023
Happy Muharram 2023

Muharram in India is on 19 July 2023 and it marks the first month of the Islamic calendar, and signifies it as the mourning month for some Muslims, while the Battle of Karbala is for Muslims who consider it to be a happy festival.

Muharram 2023 – Wishes

  • I pray for you and your family’s happiness and well-being, May you all have an amazing year ahead. Happy Muharram 2023.
  • May Allah shower you with gifts of love, bravery, wisdom, contentment, health, patience, and cleanliness. Wishing Muharram.
  • May Allah Almighty shower his blessing on the Muslim Ummah and all Islamic countries. Wishing Happy Muharram 2023.
  • May this new year bring a lot of peace, prosperity, and happiness to the world. May Allah protect us. Wishing Muharram.
  • The day of Ashura is the day of the memory end of truth over falsehood, fasting, sorrow, and doing wise deeds.
  • I pray for you and your family’s happiness and prosperity, May you all have wonderful days ahead. Wish you a Muharram.
  • May your life be always protected by the blessings of Allah to create a great wonderful life for you. Wish you a Happy Muharram.

Muharram 2023 – Messages

Happy Muharram 2023
Happy Muharram 2023
  • Let Us Believe In The Messenger Of Allah And Follow The Light Which Has Been Sent Down With Him. Happy Muharram.
  • All People Are Great People. We Only Have To Look On Their Behavior Not On This Who Are They Or From Where They Belong, This Muharram Remove Barriers & Celebrate Muharram Together.
  • Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of the people until they change what is in themselves. Wishing Muharram.
  • The best of those who fast are those who remember Allah Azza Wa Jal the most in their fast. Happy Muharram to you.
  • In this holy month of Muharram, may Allah give you strength and good health. Muharram Mubarak to all.
  • May the Peace and Blessings of Almighty God be with you this year and always. Wishing Happy Muharram.
  • May all praise and thanks be to Allah. All that is in heaven and on earth belongs to whom. Wishing Muharram to all.

Muharram 2023 – Quotes

  • “The best fast after Ramadan is in the month of Allah Muharram.”
  • “May all the praises and thanks be to Allah. To whom belongs all that is in heaven and in the earth. Have a blessed Muharram.”
  • “I cried an ocean of tears, but nobody cared. I cried in sujood and Allah gave me saber.”
  • “Even in the hardest times, the longest day is only twenty-four hours. Everything passes, and nothing stays. Have faith and keep walking, knowing that Allah is with you.”
  • “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of the people until they change what is in themselves.”
  • “The best of those who fast are those who remember Allah Azza Wa Jal the most in their fast.”
  • “If a man finds himself in the morning; tranquil in his heart, healthy in body, and with food for the day, it is as if all of this world had been chosen for him.”

Muharram 2023 – Greetings

Happy Muharram 2023
Happy Muharram 2023
  • Muharram is the celebration of peace, Sending warm greetings on Muharram to you and your loved ones.
  • On the occasion of Muharram, I am sending my warm wishes for you and your family to have a day to remember and mourn what happened on this day.
  • Muharram is the festival that reminds us all to always embrace peace and happiness and spread the message of brotherhood and togetherness.
  • Muharram to everyone and May this festive occasion brings along happiness and harmony in your life.
  • Festival Muharram reminds us of the sacrifice of Imam Ali Hussain to protect Islam. Wish you a very Happy Muharram.
  • May this new year bring a lot of peace, prosperity, and happiness to the world. May Allah protect us. Wish you Muharram.
  • Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of the people until they change what is in themselves. Wishing Muharram.

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